WRTC Archives: Revival Romance e Paixao - 1-31-2016 -Part 2 - Theme - Vivian Maier

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Sunday, January 31st, 2016
9:30AM to 10:00AM

30 minutes

Sunday, January 31st, 2016 1:03PM

romance paixao revival claudia rios


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Episode: Revival Romance e Paixao - 1-31-2016 -Part 2 - Theme - Vivian Maier

 1995 recording with Manny Lagoa jokes - 

Artists - Os Tubaroes - Duetos e Baladas - Yanni - Anna Rita - Celia Leiria

Theme: 5 Planets visible in the Northern Hemisphere.

Theme - Bio - Vivian Maeir - the street photographer.

Episode Hosts